Health & Safety Policy

Swift is committed to achieving and maintaining excellence in all aspects of its operations by continually improving the quality of services & products while protecting people and the environment.

As a part of its safety policy, Swift Technoplast conducts production and business in a manner that safeguards human health, operational safety, environmental protection, quality enhancement in the best interests of our customers, our employees, and suppliers, and our society.

Every employee of swift is required to cooperate, work safely, and act responsibly to prevent injury to him/her or others. Our Health Safety and Environment (HSE) objectives shall bear equal importance to our fundamental business objectives.

In pursuance of this policy & in adherence to all applicable legislative requirements, we are committed to :

  • Management will ensure that the efforts of each employee are directed to contribute to achieving excellence in safety, Health, Work Environment, Quality and Productivity.
  • To give top most priority to health and safety of all the personnel and property, eliminating accidents & unsafe Incidents.
  • Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and maintain safe & healthy working conditions.
  • Provide training and supervision to ensure that all employees understand the required behaviours & the consequences of non-compliance to safety Instructions.
  • Set Quality & HSE performance objectives, conduct audits, measure results, assess and continually improve processes.
  • Minimize our impact on the environment through pollution prevention, reduction of natural resource consumption and the reduction & recycling of waste.
  • Apply our technical skills to all HSE aspects of our services and products.
  • Ensure that our HSE management systems reflect best industry practice.
  • This Policy shall be regularly reviewed to ensure ongoing suitability. The commitments listed are in addition to our basic obligation to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Plan for, respond to and recover from any emergency crisis.

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